Amiga Flame - News - Titan's Papyrus Office

Titan's Papyrus Office

Papyrus Office is an important office solution enabling users to cover more complex tasks like serial letters, printing labels and posters, spreadsheet analysis, powerful DTP-design, and even create databases. This exciting package has been in development for years and is expected to be ready in the next few months.

Michael Garlich of Titan Computer revealed in an on-line forum that a version of Papyrus Office for UAE/ Amithlon users is likely to work also on the AmigaOne. He also refused to rule out the possibility of creating a native version of this package for AmigaOS 4 users but Titan will only decide this matter after the release of the new operating system.

If you have any questions or wish to send your support, then e-mail Michael Garlich of Titan Computer at:-


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