Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Classic Back in the Spotlight: Cannon Fodder

Amiga Classic Back in the Spotlight: Cannon Fodder

One of the best games ever to be released by Sensible Software was Cannon Fodder, a shoot'em up with lots of explosions and squeamish action scenes. The popularity of the title has never wavered and so fans should take note that this classic title is set to be re-invented by Codemasters who plan to make to make a new version for the PSP.

Reaction from Amiga gamers to the release of screenshots of the new Cannon Fodder has been mixed. In Amiga Addicts Sanctuary, one gamer made the comment that “it looks great, it is still a 2D game but with 3D sprites... I really like it!” while Keith Hollis said, “I'm not against 3D remakes just because they're 3D, but that doesn't really look anything like Cannon Fodder”. Avanze probably summed up the feelings of many gamers when he said, “Bummer, it looks crap. Why try to fix something that is not broken?”

If you're interested in the new Cannon Fodder then read the full story and see the screenshots on the IGN Entertainment website.

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