Amiga Flame - News - First Demonstration of Audio Evolution 4

First Demonstration of Audio Evolution 4

It has been revealed that Davy Wentzler, author of Audio Evolution, a program for digital audio recording and editing on the Amiga will demonstrate the fourth instalment of the Audio Evolution series at the Benelux Amiga Show.

If you can't wait until then why not download the demo of Audio Evolution 4 for the Classic Amiga. In this demo version you will only be allowed to load 3 (stereo) tracks at a time, playback or record at most 60 seconds and saving a project is disabled.

Those users interested in seeing Audio Evolution 4 for the AmigaOne should attend the Benelux Amiga show, which is being held on the 4th and 5th of October in Rotterdam, Holland.

If you wish to send your support or have any questions, then e-mail Davy Wentzler, author of Audio Evolution at:-


Visit their web site at:-

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