Amiga Flame - News - Nightlong Fixes

Nightlong Fixes

The release of Nightlong, an action adventure game from developers Trecision, was marked by the news that some gamers were experiencing problems with the copies that they received. ClickBOOM were obviously “devastated” by this problem especially in light of the way the Amiga magazines highly rated this awesome adventure game. However, ClickBOOM have preserved their reputation of releasing games of the highest quality by getting their duplication company to admit hey had made an error with Nightlong CDs.

The duplication company has completed a new set of Nightlong CD's and so if you had any problem with the copy you purchased, then please get in contact with ClickBOOM as they will send out a replacement copy. ClickBOOM has stressed that those gamers who decided on hearing of this problem to not purchase a copy, should worry no more as this problem has been resolved. ClickBOOM has also announced that they have lowered the price of Nightlong for a limited period, including the price of the PowerPC version.

If you want to purchase Nightlong then e-mail ClickBOOM at:-


Visit their web site at :-

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