Amiga Flame - News - Amiga Inc Announces Relationship with Infomedia Network Inc

Amiga Inc Announces Relationship with Infomedia Network Inc

Amiga Inc has announced what they have described as “a strategic relationship in delivering the Amiga and its content to a new line of broadband interactive set-top box products”. Their strategic relationship is with a company called Infomedia Network Inc, which is a communications technology company focused according to the company “on building advanced TV / multi-media set-top boxes”.

This is a particularly interesting development, which in fact has a Tao connection. In January of this year Amiga Inc announced their first strategic partnership with the Tao Group specifically interested by the Tao Group's Operating System called Elate and the intent(tm) multimedia content platform. It was only a few weeks later that Infomedia Network announced, that they had “selected the Elate(RTM) Real Time Operating System and the intent(tm) multimedia content platform by Tao Group for use in INFOMAX, the company's next generation of advanced set-top boxes”.

Conclusions are difficult to draw but it could be speculated that the Tao Group might have been at the heart of this plan bringing together two of its partners; Infomedia Network with its plans firmly focused upon advanced hardware and Amiga Inc's focus on revolutionary software, creating what they have described as a Operating Environment. This sense of a perfect match being assembled seemed to echoed to an extent when Bill McEwen President of Amiga Inc commenting on the announcement said, “Amiga is the perfect fit for the products and services Infomedia are looking to offer to their OEMs and consumers. Amiga developers are already using the new Amiga SDK to create new applications, multi-media titles, and interactive content that are perfect for this new line of Set-top Boxes”.

News spread fast when Bill McEwen announced that Amiga Inc would be working with Infomedia Network but users have found it difficult to determine the aims and potential of this company. Their aim is ambitious with Infomedia Network aiming to create a low-cost, easy to use gateway for Internet and Entertainment called TVision. This set-up box will provide users with Internet access, scaleable real-time Video Conferencing, Interactive Video games, Movies-on-Demand, Home Banking, and Point-of-Sale. Patrice Haftman, Executive Vice-President expressed some of Infomedia's philosophy which isn't too dissimilar from Amigas, “Our approach is to address solutions and to design hardware in accordance with the needs of maximizing the value of the software. Consumers do not buy hardware for its own sake; they buy it for what it can do for them”. It is difficult to determine the potential as Infomedia Network are a silent company preferring to wait until they have a finished product that users can talk about. It should be noted that Infomedia Network's previous set-top box, Infomax has not surfaced but perhaps they merely changed its name to TVision.

Amiga Inc sources have been quick to caution any concerns that they might be abandoning their plans for AmigaOne. These plans remain in place and will be brought forward. Some users such as Don Cox have played down the significance of the latest announcement stating, “It's good news as with any luck it will bring in some money for Amiga Inc”. Whatever its significance I believe it will be important for us to watch this relationship between Amiga Inc and Infomedia Network closely as they both have grand visions that have the potential to become reality.

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